MQA-R Pipe clamp saddle
New productItem #r6110
Stainless steel pipe clamp saddle for connecting threaded components (imperial) to MQ strut channels
- Material composition: Nut: 1.4581 (A4) - DIN EN 10283, Plate: 1.4404 (A4) – EN 10088, AISI 316L, Plastic: PB
- Surface finish: Outdoor Plus - Stainless Steel
- Environmental conditions: Outdoor high pollution (C4 – high / C5)
- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=Quick connection of threaded components to the open side of MQ strut channels}], id=CHA_ADVANTAGE_01, multiValue=false, name=Advantage 01}
- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=Easy installation and positioning within MQ strut channel openings}], id=CHA_ADVANTAGE_02, multiValue=false, name=Advantage 02}
- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=Single, compact part – for higher productivity and flexibility}], id=CHA_ADVANTAGE_03, multiValue=false, name=Advantage 03}
- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=Various thread sizes available}], id=CHA_ADVANTAGE_04, multiValue=false, name=Advantage 04}
- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=Fastening pipes and air ducts}], id=CHA_APPLICATION_01, multiValue=false, name=Application 01}
- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=Fastening cable trays and cable baskets}], id=CHA_APPLICATION_02, multiValue=false, name=Application 02}