AC-D DM Ductile metal cutting disc
New productItem #r7825
Ductile metal cutting disc for gas saws
- Base material: Ductile metal
- Tool type: Gas saw
- Blade / disc thickness: 0.156 in
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- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=Cutting disc designed for gas saw machines}], id=CHA_ADVANTAGE_01, multiValue=false, name=Advantage 01}
- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=Thanks to its premium grain and bond system, the disc is faster, free-cutting, stronger and more durable}], id=CHA_ADVANTAGE_02, multiValue=false, name=Advantage 02}
- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=Built for maximum working comfort}], id=CHA_ADVANTAGE_03, multiValue=false, name=Advantage 03}
- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=Cutting ductile metal with gas saws}], id=CHA_APPLICATION_01, multiValue=false, name=Application 01}